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Fort Lee, VA Image 2

Fort Lee, VA - Chaplain

Contact Your Chaplain

Senior Garrison Chaplain, 734-6494

Garrison NCOIC, 734-6493

Deputy Garrison Chaplain, 734-6490

Family Life Chaplain, 734-0165

Pastoral Care Chaplain, 734-0980

Catholic Priest, 734-1437

49TH Quartermaster Group, 734-7027

530th Quartermaster BN Rear Det 734-7414

59th Ordnance Brigade, 734-4981

16th Ordnance BN, 765-9906

832nd Ordnance BN, 765-9906

23RD Quartermaster Brigade, 734-3377

262ND Quartermaster BN/Marines

244TH Quartermaster BN/Navy

266TH Quartermaster BN/Air Force

Army Logistics University, 765-8010

For Emergencies (Only) after duty hours contact the duty chaplain at the IOC, (804)734-1584.

Catholic Mass 0845 & 1200 Sun
Daily Catholic Mass - 1145 Mon-Thurs
Korean Mass - 1830 every 4th Saturday
*All service are at Memorial Chapel
Ministry Events
Sacrament of reconciliation by appointment or on Sundays 08:15- 08:30.

Baptism Preparation Class:
For those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, classes are held the last Sunday and Baptism on the first Sunday at 1030.

Catholic Religious Education:
Classes will meet at Memorial Chapel every Sunday, 1030-1145.

Catholic Youth:
The weekly meeting for the Youth group is on Sunday from 1300-1430

Women's Ministry:
MCCW meets First Friday 0900 96 1200 and the following Monday at 1830.

Catholic Men of the Chapel Ministry:
Fort Lee Knights of Columbus monthly meeting is on the third Sunday of every month at 1030 at Memorial Chapel

Homebound Ministry:
We care for the spiritual fitness of the community members who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or confinement to the home. We bring the Sacraments to them. Please contact us when you or your loved one needs to receive the anointing of the sick or others sacraments at home.

Contemporary AIT, Heritage Chapel - 0930 Sun

Collective Protestant, Memorial Chapel - 1015 Sun

Collective AIT, Hatcher Hall, Ord Campus - 1030 Sun

Spanish Prot. Service, Heritage Chapel - 1100 Sun

Collective Prot. (Gospel), Liberty Chapel - 1115 Sun

Samoan Prot. Service, Heritage Chapel - 1400 Sun

Chapel NeXt Contemporary, Liberty Chapel, fellowship meal 1700, Service begins at 1800 Sun

Ministry Events
Memorial Chapel
Sunday School 0900-1000 Sun
Club Beyond Youth Group - 1500-1800 Sun
Adult Choir Practice - 1900-2030 Wed
Prot. Women/Chapel Bible Study - 1730-1830 Wed
Prot. Women/Chapel - 0930-1200 Thur
Young Adult Bible Study - 1830-2030 Thur
Prot Men of the Chapel Prayer Breakfast - 0800-1100 (Third Sat of the month)

Liberty Chapel
Sunday School - 1000-1050 Sun
Women92s Bible Study - 1830-2000 Mon

Gospel Ensemble Choir Rehearsal - 1830 Tue(Before 1st & 4th Sunday)
Gospel Youth Ensemble (Before 2nd Sunday) 1830 Tue

Bible Study - 1900-2030 Wed
Male Chorus (Before 3rd & 5th Sunday)1900 Fri
Men92s Prayer Breakfast (1st Saturday) 0830
Women92s Prayer Breakfast(3rd Saturday) 0900
(Piccadilly Restaurant in Colonial Heights)

Heritage Chapel
Spanish Bible Study - 1930 Fri

Bri'th Achim in Petersburg, (804) 732-3968
1930 Fri and 1000 Sat

1215-1315 Fri, 23rd Brigade Spiritual Fitness Center, Bldg 3701, 16th Street

0745 Sun Breakfast & 0830-1130 Sun Service
23rd Brigade Spiritual Fitness Center
Bldg 3701, 16th Street
Institute Class: 1500-1700 Sat 23rd Brigade Spiritual Fitness Center, Bldg 3701, 16th Street
(804) 734-6494

AIT Movie and a Message
1830-2030 Wed, 1000-1200 Thur
23rd Brigade Spiritual Fitness Center
Bldg 3701, 16th Street